Pros and Cons World of Warships


A good game spoiled by dubious game designer solutions and grind.

Pluses of the game:

1. Pleasant graphics and atmosphere: the technique of technology is very detailed and looks believable, the color gamut is a pleasant eye, the picture is clear.

2. A wide variety of ships presented in the game and unique gameplay for each of the classes of ships. The game on destroyers, cruisers, linants and aircraft carriers require various tactics, which brings diversity to the game.

3. Good game process mode. There are no strong nonsense in the game at which everyone is worn at the speed of light and poured a friend's friend with the walls of the fire. The developers were not afraid to make fights more long, one fight in World of Warships can last 10-30 minutes.

4. Hold "Elfism" at an acceptable level. Of course, the game does not try to be a realistic simulator, but this is not an elves on the tanks.

5. No Pay-to-Win. All content can be obtained by playing the game. Ship pumping does not give a decisive advantage.

Cons Games:

1. The visibility system in which the ships can disappear in the depths of the seas and oceans. Yes, it is necessary for the balance, but I believe that it is better to remake a little balance than to have such a visibility system. This also includes the mechanics of work of smoke and soot from the fire, through which you can see everyone and shoot until you see you.

2. Availability in the game class of aircraft carriers. I wrote above that there is a huge variety. To hell with such a variety when there is a similar class of technology in the game. For example, you play on the entry-level battleship that has a very weak anti-air defense. Here you enter the battle with two enemy linkers and think: "Now I will do them on skill." But no! Rocket arrives from the aircraft carrier, which inserts you the full board of missiles, after which you are walking to the bottom with your skill. Of course, from aircraft carriers can be defended, you can skillfully maneuver and the like. But what does this class of technicians give in the game? Nothing but to increase the level of toxicity. Stories that "without aircraft carriers would have been there," I consider it frankly ridiculous, since the fights without aircraft carriers pass exactly on the same scenario as the fights with aircraft carriers, just playing becoming much more pleasant.

3. Internal currency Grind. On the one hand, the economic model in the game is adequate in terms of earning in-game currency. On the other hand, pumping in terms of receipt of experience was frankly. In fertile games, I am ready to pay, this is not a problem, but I want me to pay adequate amounts of money and make the game comfortable for yourself. This is not about World of Warships. Pumping captains of the ships would not be finished my great-grandchildren, and to fulfill this action for the Donat, you need at least to find the treasures of Captain Kidda, but they could hardly be enough for one captain.Again, I exaggerate a little, but the essence is that I quickly felt fatigue. In World of Warships, I had fun on 3-4 levels out of 10, already on the 7th game began to be felt like work and from there fatigue from the game. No, thank you, I want to enjoy, and not plow in the game. This applies not only to captains, but also opening new ships, modules for them and the like.

Several final words. I wanted to play this game, but the free-to-play should be enjoyable so that the gamera wants to put his wallet and please the creators of the game. Unfortunately, it is not about World of Warships. Here you need to either pour the Mount Bubl, or become a slave of the game. And at the same time, you will still periodically stimulate not to relax the boots "wonderful" aircraft carriers with no less "wonderful" shooting smoke. What did all this stimulate me? Remove this game and not advise her to someone else. And it is pretty disappointment, because even in this form, the game is above the heads of the elves on the tanks above the tanks, but they still managed to paint all the ships in the anime, from which all the already shakes and nervous, forcing themselves to feel a stupid schoolboy.

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