Rules of Survival: how long can they last without dying


In this tutorial, we'll talk about strategy tips for the video game Rules of Survival, specialized to help newbies and experienced gamers in survival!

Be the first to land - Landing first is very important, especially if there are other players competing for your loot. This means that you must not jump out of the aircraft first, but land in a good place to land.

You will be able to control your own hero when he falls - constantly move directly to the ground, like a rocket. You don't even have to worry about opening the parachute: when you get close to the ground, it will open automatically. Therefore, do not waste precious time.

By being the first one to land, you guarantee yourself a decent opportunity to take some tough loot and kill the gamers who happen to be the slowest.

Remember the map of the area - Loot is located throughout the location, therefore, regardless of this, whether you are one of the 1 who will jump out of the aircraft or the last, you still have a large number of alternatives. It is your responsibility to know exactly which buildings are present and what to expect in that area.

Constantly look at the mini-map, and after a couple of video games you will learn more about it. Make every jump worthwhile by running to a region with at least one building. So you can get the loot first!

Keep in mind, favored areas with the best loot will traditionally be quite crowded, so it almost always contains a plan to go beyond the borders of the most common zone and kill opponents one by one.

Always be on the move - If there is an enemy nearby who is not under cover, you can simply kill him for the sake of a bush. In other options, you are constantly required to be on the move. Not just for the sake of shrinking the video game area (similarly keep an eye on it!), but because you're a hard target if you keep moving around.

If you can similarly cope with shooting while moving, this is even more correct. The right skill will give you the upper hand in close combat, where gamers try to slow down for a firefight for the most difficult parts of the controls.

No matter what strategy you choose, and no matter how good you are at stealth, you can't achieve much without having good weapons at your side. The best weapons in a video game are, without a doubt, assault and sniper rifles. The former give you slightly more freedom of movement, while the latter require you to wait during a video game. This is not a very good selection almost always, as the zone of the video game decreases.

You may not be able to find a good weapon once you start playing, but be constantly on the lookout. Similarly, apply additional mods, such as favorite areas and silencers, to the weapons you find. Try to get the perfect rifle that gives you additional superiority. For example, AK-47 and M16 are great.

One of the important distinguishing features you need to hide your own presence in the room: close the doors behind you. This is the strategy that works best in a video game, so other gamers won't be too suspicious when looking. Closed doors put incoming enemies in a difficult situation: they need to open them and make noise. This way, you will know if someone wants to enter. Most of this, if you are not located directly in front of the door, you can start firing at them and simply destroy the enemy.

If the door is open, your enemy will be especially careful when entering the region (or completely ignore it). They have every chance, including throwing a grenade, bringing you true difficulties. Therefore, be very careful when you see locked doors.

Make the most of good cover - Bushes are very useful for hiding, especially if you're using a crouch or prone position. place and wait a bit. Let the enemy come to you and you will take him by surprise. It's better than the other way around!

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