Tom Clancy's The Division - How to level up fast


Fast leveling of the character, the right tactic for raising the level of the hero. Just bought The Division and need to instantly level up to be on par with other gamers. By following these guidelines, you can level up in no time.

Linear missions

Simply follow the storyline and earn experience points for your own agent. It's important to note that gamers can replay missions as many times as they want, so it's best to pick the missions you like the most right off the bat. In addition, gamers can increase the difficulty on these missions to get more experience.

Security Missions

Security missions are considered a good way to get even more experience points by going through the rest of the linear tasks. When a player completes a security mission, they are awarded the most experienced agent perk, which provides gamers with 10% more XP.

Dark Zone

In order to increase your rank in the Dark Zone, you must be located within its borders. With all this, be careful, because during the death in the Dark Zone, you will lose not only all your own credits, things, etc., but also the acquired level.


Switching to the side of the outcast allows gamers to increase XP if they manage to stay safe and sound with all this. The more people you kill, the higher your level of outcast, and the more merit for your head. This is a dangerous move, because you simply become a target for other agents in the area, and if you die, your rank will decrease. Similarly, you can track down other rogue agents and destroy them, again gaining experience points.

Game page: Tom Clancy's The Division.

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