Overview of Operation7 Gangster Shootout


In my own comfortable blog, I have already written several times about this video game, not reviews, but articles from wastelands. And, in fact, I didn’t really plan to write more, anyway, there are not enough people who will play on the European server, who are curious about it. Obviously, according to the description of the game, and there is something on the theme of “hard real first-person shooters” and “merciless fights in my favorite death-match or team-match modes”, I was waiting to see the Korean version of the invincible Counter-Strike. Of course, knowing the predilection of Koreans for grinding and all sorts of elves, I imagined gnomes with Kalashnikovs and ogres with M-16s. And all this is painted in acid colors and diluted with a fair amount of naked body. The reality turned out to be not so terrible - the video game is really similar to CS. Command mochilovo, in various modes, various maps, a wealth of weapons, even some strategies - threw a grenade, entered the room, remained constant. And rightly so, why change something that did not break. Of course, in the video game there is no division into bandits and counters, simply 2nd impersonal teams - yellowish and blue, but the idea, basically, remained without configurations. We start the video game with the choice of skin. No matter how annoying it may sound, women with big ... eyes were not brought in, and the selection of heads and clothes is not rich. But it is clear, there will be no time to consider faces. The next move is the purchase of weapons, and here the most exciting thing is tied up. Weapons are tiered - yes, the video game has stages, and it's worth the money. At the same time, there are 2 types of currency here - gold, which we earn for each fight and Fiaa Cash. Cash is real, the game is free-to-play, where is it without real? Of course, all barrels can be purchased for computer gold. It will be necessary to accumulate for a long time, but no one is forcing us to stupidly invest money, according to the principle - either give money or you will not be able to continue playing. You can play, but it will be hard. I don’t think that 10 euros is a super-huge cost for a good body kit.

However, without wasting time, we rush to wet everyone who has not yet had time to stock up on good weapons. it will not be difficult to get hold of a rifle with a sniper scope so necessary for competent headshotting. The most basic, you won't believe it, is to behave well and often occupy the top lines in the team rankings. Gold then really will flow like a river. But the question arises - what is the use of "donations"? If you are not going to transfer finances, but with all this you shoot unsurpassed, then be prepared for level restrictions. You have saved up for a decent machine gun, but it is still far from a precedent that you can get it right away. More importantly, what stage are you in? The most annoying thing is that the level received is only basically and has a big impact on the available equipment. It will be very difficult to distinguish here a person who can simply play action movies cool from the same subject who spent a week in Operation7 / Operation 7. It's more of a defect. It will not be difficult to get hold of a rifle with a sniper scope so necessary for competent headshotting. Gold then really will flow like a river.

So, machine guns, rifles, in general, the main weapon, consists of parts. All parts have different properties that have a big impact on your trunk. Those. 2 people can become armed with a Kalash, but the 1st Kalash will be sharpened for a duel at close distances, and the other for medium distances. At the same time, parts can be taken with a margin, and, in the intervals between battles, the barrel can be rapidly modified based on needs. Of course, pistols are not forgotten (there is even a mode, a battle with pistols), grenades (among other things, light and noise) and knives. Plus various body kits that increase the number of cells for additional weapons and ammunition. Plus a certain number of varieties of cartridges. In general, it is necessary to look personally, I will say that I needed to recreate the hero, because, for the first time, I spent finances and made a strange machine gun with which I was constantly destroyed. Got a weapon? In this case, in a duel, we select a server (they are broken down by gamer levels, so you step on the 1st one, there will be no highs) and look at which games are open. We pay attention to the cards, the number of gamers and the mode. READY! It's time to destroy. Having found everything you need, you can set off into a duel. Cards in gratuitous fighters we constantly want more. We are so picky, but from the existing list, there are a lot of astonishingly thought out and beautifully crafted. Here you have a desert, and urban construction, and an abandoned landfill, saying hello to the guys from GSC. What really lacks in separate zones is small details and objects. From time to time it may seem at first glance that when developing certain maps, game designers, having worked out the base and surroundings well, quickly ran out of steam (however, it would seem that there were 3 dwellings, 2 oak trees - where could one get so tired here?) And sewed to the client what which is not half done yet.

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